8th Grade Social Studies » 8th Grade Social Studies

8th Grade Social Studies

Mike Hino
Teacher - 8th Grade Social Studies

Class Vision
Mr. Hino’s class is a family, dedicated to the service of others that promotes, supports, and helps develop the best in people.
Class Mission
The mission in Mr. Hino’s class is to help all individuals grow towards their personal best through supports, encouragement, and guidance provided in a manner that encourages and develops a person’s positive self-knowledge, desire for lifelong progress, and responsible, disciplined citizenship.
Big Idea: History is an interpretation of events and experiences in an attempt to give meaning to facts by explaining the connection between the past and us. To accomplish this, the students will learn to evaluate, organize, and interpret a variety of characteristic traits such as: imagination, empathy, self-reflection, attitude, responsibility, and others, found in historical figures and how these traits influenced their decisions and actions in the historical context they found themselves. The students will explore how these traits are found in us and how these traits can influence our own interpretations, decisions, and actions. The students will use historical figures and events to create meaning within their own experiences.
All students will be graded on the same standards/targets (CCSS/HCPS III) Grades will be based on a student’s individual Growth Margin following the Hawaii State model.
Your child is the first line of communication between the class and home. Parents should be able to successfully ask their child on their progress and grade. Grades are reviewed daily in their class journal found in Google classroom. Parents and Guardians are encouraged to ask their child about their progress on a daily basis.
Parents will receive a Progress Report four times in the semester (two mid-quarter and two quarterly reports).
Grades will be updated and accessible to students, parents, counselors, and administrators on: hawaii.infinitecampus.org and upon request to your child or myself.
Students will set and be aware of their own learning goals and targets which may be assessed through the use of:
• Samples of work which exemplify proficiency. • Standards based rubrics that describe
success criteria.
• Student generated learning goals and individual academic plans.
• Class discussions on what they learned.
Class Journals and inventory of learning Portfolio.
Class Assignments/Quizzes: Students are given an opportunity to be assessed
formatively daily Teacher will provide students with the opportunity for feedback and to revise their work. based on timely completion of the assignments.
Performance Tasks: The performance tasks will be Class assignments, Essays and
Outlines that a student or group of students will complete that is related to the topics
and/or standards being taught. A performance task may require a student to do research, analyze the information, prepare a written piece on the topic and/or create a presentation for the teacher and/or class.
Excused Absences: Students will be allowed to make up work in a timely fashion.
Class Discipline: if required, student will be separated from the distraction, first within the Class. Except for criminal offenses, all class discipline issues will first be conferenced and dealt with between your child and I. if your child and I are not able to negotiate a solution and further action is required or your child chooses to be uncooperative, your child will be notifying you via a phone call as close to the incident as possible of their choice of noncooperation. If your child chooses to remain noncompliant to both you and I or if efforts to contact you are unsuccessful, he/she may be referred out of class, which may include Administrative Intervention. (See attached Class Discipline Policy)
Student Responsibilities:
• Cooperate and be respectful to other students and teacher
• Attend and be prepared with materials
• Actively participate in class discussions and activities, small group activities
• Try their best to completed assignments, satisfactorily and on time
• Communicate with the teacher and parents when needed to solve issues interfering with their assessments and learning
• Provide a “self-reflection on learning”; each day students will reflect on what his/her has done, what they have learned, how this can help them, and assess their grade daily.
• Students are the first line of communication between the school and their parents. Students are expected to be able to clearly communicate with their parents on their progress when asked.
Teacher Responsibilities:
• Cooperate and be respectful to students,
• Attend and be prepared with materials
• Work hard to help students complete assignments, satisfactorily and on time by
facilitating learning experiences using a variety of instructional strategies.
• Provide consultation and advisement to help all students
• Interact collaboratively and communicating with students, parents, other teachers and staff to support learning success of student.
Parent Responsibilities:
• Communicate with your child on their progress daily.
• Please contact me regarding any concerns you may have about your child or I that you feel I should be made known of. My number is 343-4755, If I do not pick up please leave a brief message and I will get back to you.
This syllabus is subject to change.

Mr. Hino’s Discipline Policy
When a student has chosen not to cooperate with the supports offered and conditions for learning and/or is disruptive to the learning of others, the following procedures will be followed in a respectful, calm manner.
  • When a student creates a problem, they will be asked to solve it through respectful prompts, and reminders.
  • If a student is unable to solve it I will counsel with the student to help come to a solution.
  • If the student is still unable or unwilling to redirect themselves, or comply with the agreed solution, a second counseling session will follow.
  • I will always do my best to help, persuade, and support the student towards a decision that supports and encourages their personal and academic growth.
  • If the teacher and student are unable to resolve the issue or the student is unwilling to redirect themselves, we will invoke the assistance of the student’s parents or guardians to help with a resolution.
  • This will be done via phone, text, or voice message as close to the time of incident as possible. (Parents or Guardians please note that at this point at least two reminders and two in class counseling sessions were attempted)
  • If attempts to contact parents or guardians are unsuccessful and the student continues to be non-compliant the student will be referred to the Counselors or other personnel office or outside with Educational Assistant so that the learning of others will not continue to be denied them. A call home will be made at a later time that day.
  • The student will not be allowed to participate in class until the issue is resolved between the parties.
  • If attempts to contact parents or guardians are successful and the student still chooses not comply with the teacher and parents or guardians the child will be referred to Administration for administration consequence.
  • If at any point the student chooses to comply with the agreed resolution the process stops. It is only in the case of unsuccessful interventions between student and teacher, and student, teacher, and parents will the process result to Administrative intervention. 
  • I have tried to keep this policy in line with our PBIS initiative and am open to any suggestions or concerns.
This Policy is subject to change.
Thank You for your support.
Michael Hino
8th Grade Social Studies
Disclaimer: **This Webpage was created for the purpose to allow Faculty to create, edit, add content, curriculum and information for parents/students to access. The webpage will be managed solely by the Teacher.